We just returned from Colorado where we welcomed the newest member of our family, Brigham Glen Jones, Debbie and Mike's new little boy. We had been planning to leave late Sunday afternoon and drive part way then get up and go the rest of the way and be at the hospital where Debbie would be having the baby induced Monday morning. Well, things didn't work out as planned. Sunday morning Mike called us and said they were on their way to the hospital. I kept my phone with me and during Sacrament meeting it vibrated and I walked out and talked to Mike and found out the news that the baby had arrived!!! This was fun because with this baby they weren't finding out what it was going to be. The baby has been "It" for the whole pregnancy. And, since they have two boys and one girl, they would be happy with either. But, they really did think it was probably going to be a girl -- boy were they wrong. Brigham, or Brig as the family is going to call him, was born at 11:17 am. He weighed 8 lb 10 1/2 oz -- so he was pretty good sized. He is so cute. I love that newborn stage. They feel so good to hold.
Paul was able to change things at church and we decided to leave right after Sacrament meeting and head on out. It was beautiful weather as we left Utah, but got pretty bad as we started in the mountains of Colorado. It is a good thing we left when we did because I-70 had a major rock slide that closed the freeway an hour or two after we went past. If we had left later we would have been stuck in Grand Junction and had a huge detour to get there. As it is, the weather really slowed us down but we got to the hospital around 10:00pm and got to see mom and baby!!
Check out Debbie's blog to see more pictures of baby Brigham and their family.
This little baby is grandchild number 25!! We feel so blessed by the Lord for the wonderful family that we have.
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